Jacob Teitelbaum

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers

by Jacob Teitelbaum MD | September 2, 2021

A recognized authority on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum is medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers nationally, and does phone consultations with CFS/fibromyalgia patients worldwide. He is the author of the popular iPhone application “Cures A-Z,” and author of the best-selling books From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Avery/Penguin Group), Pain Free 1-2-3—A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now (McGraw-Hill) and Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! (Fairwinds Press; 2010). Teitelbaum makes frequent media appearances, including on Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News Channel, the Dr. Oz Show and Oprah & Friends.

Question: The first edition of Fatigued to Fantastic was released more than 25 years ago. This is the fourth edition. Why did you want to update the book now?

Answer: The book started out as a simple pamphlet 25 years ago because that was all the information we had available. Now our understanding of how to eliminate CFS and fibromyalgia, as well as how to optimize vitality and illuminate pain for everyone, has skyrocketed. We have progressed to the point where fatigue, fibromyalgia and pain are optional. I felt it was critical to get this information out to the public. This includes three new studies we just completed showing unique, highly effective natural treatments.

In addition, the update makes the possibility of optimized vitality and being pain free available to everyone. For experts, it will dramatically expand their ability to help others. But the book is also written with simple “Brain Fog Friendly Summaries,” so that even those with no familiarity with natural remedies can access information easily and apply it immediately. It will show them what supplements to buy in your store so that they can reclaim their lives.

Question: You offer a “Pain Primer” on how to effectively eliminate the seven most common types of pain using the best of natural and prescription therapies. What stands out as the most important finding here?

Answer: The most common cause of pain is muscle and myofascial pain. Yet most physicians have no clue about how to even do a muscle exam, let alone how to properly treat muscle pain. The main thing they do is simply give ibuprofen family medications, which kill more than 50,000 Americans needlessly each year. I note needlessly because natural options have been shown to be as or more effective than the medications—“side benefits” instead of side effects.

Question: You also write about eliminating food and environmental sensitivities. How can retailers address this issue with their customers?

Answer: By supplying information. Unfortunately, eliminating severe sensitivities is not as simple as showing them a supplement. But offering them the book gives them a comprehensive approach. One can start, however, with optimizing digestion with vegetarian digestive enzymes, adrenal support, probiotics and supplements to eliminate candida.

Question: Another chapter covers a study showing an average 69 percent improvement in energy with a unique nutrient. What is that nutrient? How does it work?

Answer: We have added results of several of our recent studies in treating severe fatigue including post-viral fatigue, which is currently epidemic. Our most recent study looks at a unique form of red ginseng, which is very high in the rare and noble ginsenosides. It reclaims the effectiveness of the old wild ginseng that was the most popular herb in China for millennia. It is called HRG 80 Red Ginseng from Terry Naturally. That study is just about ready to be submitted for publication and resulted in 60 percent of very severely fatigued people with brain fog showing:

• 67 percent average increase in energy
• 44 percent average increase in overall well-being
• 48 percent average improvement in mental clarity

This herb is grown hydroponically and uniquely, which presents the plants with just the right challenges to trigger the production of these rare ginsenosides. Truly remarkable!

Question: Briefly describe how to eliminate post-COVID-19 symptoms in “long-hauler” syndrome.

Answer: Our research has shown that the SHINE Protocol, optimizing Sleep, Hormonal support, Immunity, Nutrition and Exercise as able can result in an average 91 percent improvement in quality of life.


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