

Mindful Breathing May Help Reduce Pain, Says Study

by Lisa Schofield | July 1, 2022

Meditative mindful breathing has long been known to provide many well-being benefits, including helping people to better manage pain. Recently, researchers at the University of Michigan compared two types of meditative breathing —traditional mindful breathing and virtual reality, 3D-guided mindful breathing—to reduce pain in volunteers. They found that each lessened pain by modulating the somatosensory […]

Breathing Burdens

by Shari Barbanel | April 1, 2011

Respiratory problems are sending consumers in search of natural products that can help them breathe easier. Breathing is a natural function that most people do not even think about. The body is designed to inhale and exhale with ease. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), the average adult takes 15-20 breaths a minute, which […]

Breathing Burdens

by Shari Barbanel | April 1, 2011

Respiratory problems are sending consumers in search of natural products that can help them breathe easier.Breathing is a natural function that most people do not even think about. The body is designed to inhale and exhale with ease. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), the average adult takes 15-20 breaths a minute, which adds […]

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