

(201) 363-8886

The Better Me brand of nutritional supplements are complexes that address specific health issues and conditions. Key health based formulas, were and continue to be developed for a variety of health based functions including vision, cognition, heart, cholesterol, mood, immunity, lung and many others. The primary strategic focus is cellular health due to the interaction of cells throughout the entire body.

The Better Me brand of nutritional supplements are complexes that address specific health issues and conditions.

+32-9-228 20 00

Bio Minerals NV was founded specifically to commercialize ch-OSA, a complex containing choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, Biosil’s active ingredient created at the University of Antwerp. Biosil® is the only clinically proven supplement backed by over 25 years and $20 million of research that protects and generates your collagen, elastin, and keratin.

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