
Google’s 2016 Food Trends Report Released

by Corinne Anderson | June 6, 2016

Google recently announced their 2016 Google Food Trends Report, in an effort to “share useful data for planning purposes.” This data can be utilized by marketers, product developers, chefs, restaurants, foodies, and even retailers.

The report is broken into three sections: Tops Risers and Decliners, A Spotlight  on Top Trending Themes, and an Extensive List of the Top Volume Food Searches.

Google RisersIn order to compile this list of trends within the food industry, Google pulled top volume queries related to the food category and looked at their monthly volume from January 2014 to February 2016.

“We first removed any seasonal effect, and then measured the year-over-year growth, velocity, and acceleration for each search query,” Google noted in the report. “Based on these metrics, we were able to classify the queries into similar trend patterns. We then curated the most significant trends to illustrate interesting shifts in behavior.”Google Decliners

Top Risers and Decliners included three categories in which Google noted Sustained Risers/Decliners, which have shown steady growth/decline over the past few years, Seasonal Risers which are seasonal trends expected to make another firm comeback, and Rising/Falling stars which have reached either sudden growth, or peaked as fads and saw a rapid decline.

Top trending themes for the study included Food with a Function, Traveling Through Taste, Experimenting with Pork, Bit Sized Snacks, and the Pasta Comeback. Each category noted the top trending foods/topics and noted keywords that were associated with each search.

Google Functional FoodIn addition, the top food related searches included How To’s, recipes, health benefits and dietary restrictions. These results can help formulators, retailers and marketers streamline their offerings and potentially jump on the rising trends, to sell products.


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