Dietary Supplements Can Support Winter Immune Health

Dietary Supplements Can Support Winter Immune Health

by Cristina Goodwin | January 7, 2015

According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), 25 percent of all adults consume a dietary supplement to support immune health. And that’s especially important during the winter months, when the immune system can weaken.

Duffy MacKay, ND, senior vice president, scientific and regulatory affairs, CRN, explains that the immune system is the body’s defense mechanism – meaning the stronger the immune system, the healthier you are. The winter months can significantly weaken the immune system and make it more likely for individuals to get sick.

There are a variety of supplements that can help the body regain health. For example, studies have found that zinc has proven properties that help the immune system, especially in the elderly.

“As we age, our bodies do not absorb nutrients as well as they used to—and zinc is one of those nutrients—so supplementing ensures the body is getting enough of what it needs to stay well,” Dr. MacKay said.

Fortunately, there are certain dietary supplements that provide the body with key nutrients that can support the immune system. Other than vitamins and minerals, botanical dietary supplements, such as elderberry, garlic and astragalus, have the power to strengthen the immune system in people of all ages. Probiotics and dried fermentate are also known to help adults stay healthy during the cold season.

“During the winter months, our immune systems can weaken, which means we are more susceptible to getting sick,” Dr. MacKay said. By providing relief, he offers patients dietary supplements in addition to their health and wellness routine. Although, it may not be the ‘silver bullet’ or intended to be taken as a substitute, dietary supplements have the ability to support immune health.

For more information, visit www.crnusa.org.

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