Healthy Blood Sugar

Diet, Stevia and Blood Sugar Control

by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta | December 1, 2016

With 28 million people in the United States suffering from diabetes, as well as another 80 million with pre-diabetes, the concern with blood sugar has become a health care priority. “There are many factors which can contribute to rises in blood glucose for those with type 2 diabetes, such as metabolic syndrome, weight gain, dehydration, lack of sleep, hormonal irregularities, insufficient exercise, medication interaction and stress,” said Carol May, president of Arizona-based Wisdom Natural Brands. “However, the daily diet remains the primary resource for change for the majority of people with this disease.”

May noted that added dietary sugars, along with those hidden in a large number of foods, such as yogurt, spaghetti sauce, frozen foods, fruit juices, and ketchup, are a direct risk to the health of several functional areas of the body, including the brain, cardiovascular network, liver, skin and aging and the endocrine system. And when the glucose level rises beyond normal levels for an extended time, the effects of sugars have further negative impact upon the various bodily systems.

“People of all ages enjoy the sweetness of sugars; on the other hand, they are concerned with the calories and health risks associated with sugars, as supported by an ever-increasing number of clinical studies,” May said. “More than 66 percent of Americans want to reduce or eliminate sugars in their diet, and an expanding group of consumers prefer not to use artificial sweeteners either. Natural sweeteners, like organic stevia, monk fruit, sweet potato, and others being currently explored individually and in combination, are now a reality and real promise for the future. With these options, a person managing diabetes can enjoy their favorite foods and beverages without sugars or artificial ingredients. Fiber, such as inulin, can increase satiety and nourish the good intestinal flora which support the body’s immune system.

“The natural and certified organic packets of SweetLeaf Stevia have been found by a clinical study to have a non-glycemic response, therefore not raising blood sugar, in addition to having no calories or carbohydrates. The liquid stevia product, SweetLeaf Sweet Drops, also contains no calories and no carbs, and comes in a variety of flavors.”

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