
VR 2017 07

Helping to Ease Pain

by Hilary Daninhirsch | June 30, 2017

Consumers interested in natural solutions that address pain have a myriad of options. From the beginning of time, people have been trying to find ways to fight pain naturally. Between headaches, sports injuries, arthritis and the like, pain is, unfortunately, a fact of life for many people, whether on a chronic or acute basis, and […]

Natural Products for Pain

by Hilary Daninhirsch | June 30, 2017

Dr. Jacob Teitelbam, M.D., an authority on integrative medicine, provides detailed information about select natural products for pain and inflammation. “When using curcumin, it is critical to use a form that has both high absorption, and optimal amounts. It is also helpful to use the synergy that different herbals have to see the dramatic benefits […]

Multifunctional Minerals: Essential for Good Health

by Karen Morse | June 30, 2017

An educated customer base and loyalty to established, proven products keep the mineral market strong. The consumption of minerals is essential to support a number of life-sustaining functions. Due to the busy lifestyles led by Americans and the changes in farming practices in the United States, there is a growing need for supplements to enhance […]

Aquamin – a Star in the Mineral Category

by Karen Morse | June 30, 2017

Consumers have many choices when it comes to mineral supplements, and manufacturers are looking for ways to remain competitive, which includes using ingredients with science-backed support, global trends such as clean labels initiatives, and delivery systems that enhance the customer’s experience. According to Greg Berthomieu, vice president of strategic partnerships at California-based Stauber, Aquamin is […]

Natural Eggshell Membrane: A Nutraceutical for Osteoarthritis and Exercise-related Pain

When it comes to nutraceuticals that promote joint health, the sky is the metaphorical limit. Choosing the “correct” nutraceutical for a given joint health customer is really a function of the criteria you set up as parameters. For example, if you only want to consider those nutraceuticals with human clinical research to validate their efficacy, […]

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