
AHPA Reappoints Wynn Werner and P K Davè as Co-chairs of Ayurvedic Products Committee

by Nicholas Saraceno | November 1, 2016

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) has approved the reappointment of Wynn Werner and P K Davé as co-chairs of the AHPA Ayurvedic Products Committee during the AHPA Board of Trustees meeting at SupplySide West in Las Vegas on October 5.

Wynn Werner is the administrator of the Ayurvedic Institute, a non-profit organization in Albuquerque, NM that teaches the principles and practices of ayurveda. He has served as the co-chair chair of the committee since 2010 and is also a founding board member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

“It is really an honor and privilege to be a part of AHPA,” said Werner. “The AHPA Ayurvedic Products Committee is a small but important group of stakeholders addressing herbal products issues on behalf of the ayurvedic profession.”

P K Davé is the founder and CEO of Nature’s Formulary, the oldest ayurvedic brand in the U.S. natural products industry, located in Round Lake, NY. Davé is re-establishing his role as the committee’s co-chair and is currently serving a second term on the AHPA Board.

“I am happy to be given this opportunity to add value and leadership to this committee’s work on ayurvedic products,” said Davé.

“AHPA congratulates both Wynn and P K on their reappointment to chair this important committee,” said AHPA President Michael McGuffin. “We are certain that their leadership and expertise will be a valuable asset and a benefit to all AHPA members.”

The Ayurvedic Products Committee was formed to help promote and protect responsible commerce of those products that are included in and/or based on traditional use of ayurvedic ingredients.

Ayurvedic medicine (also called ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India more than 3,000 years ago and remains one of the country’s traditional health care systems. Its concepts about health and disease promote the use of herbal compounds special diets, and other unique health practices.

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