Nature’s Pantry Acquired by Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage

Nature’s Pantry Acquired by Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage

by Angela Santoriello | November 11, 2014

Independence, Missouri-based Nature’s Pantry, Inc., agreed to be acquired by Lakewood, Colorado-based Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc., which plans to begin operating the store as a Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage store beginning on Dec. 8, according to Retail Insights.

Retail Insights, a reported natural products industry consultant specializing in strategic guidance to independent natural products retailers, based here, advised Nature’s Pantry on the deal, and Jay Jacobowitz, company president, shared on the transaction. “This acquisition proves that independent natural products retailers are not only viable, but remain the vibrant energy core of the natural products industry, serving consumers newly interested in healthy foods and healthy lives,” said Jacobowitz.

According to the company president, the owners of Nature’s Pantry have worked extremely hard for 20 years, continually reinvesting in their store, paying close attention to customers and taking care of employees.

“At 17,000 square feet today, Nature’s Pantry is a testament to the amazing success independent natural products retailers can achieve in this dynamic and growing industry of ours,” said Jacobowitz.

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