Study Suggests Calcium Supplementation Safe for Women’s Heart Health

Study Suggests Calcium Supplementation Safe for Women’s Heart Health

by Angela Santoriello | August 4, 2014

A new Journal of Bone and Mineral Research study found no increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) or all-cause mortality in post-menopausal women supplementing with calcium and vitamin D.

The peer-viewed scientific journal study,  “The Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Verified Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalization and Death in Postmenopausal Women: A Collaborative Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,” reaffirmed calcium’s safety in women, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

Andrea Wong, PhD, vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs, CRN, said the evidence for why women should have confidence in the safety of calcium construes to grow.

“The benefits of calcium occur at every life stage, but because of the natural loss of calcium that occurs as we age, getting enough of this essential nutrient is especially important for older populations, who are at risk for falls and fractures,” said Wong. “Post-menopausal women can confidently take calcium supplements if getting enough calcium from the diet is not possible.”

Adding to the research, study authors reported that while food-derived calcium is the optimal source to achieve the recommended daly intake (RDI) of calcium, in cases where this RDI cannot be reached from food sources alone then the use of long-term calcium supplementation with vitamin D in older women should be considered.

For more information, visit www.crnusa.org.


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