
Mercola Health Resources, LLC:

Dr Mercola

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Vitamin K2-MK7 180 mcg—the New Standard for Nutrition and Health

By Michael Lelah, PhD, Chief Research Scientist, Dr. Mercola Premium Products

Vitamin K is the most recently discovered vitamin and is probably the least known. However, new research is beginning to emerge showing the importance of this essential vitamin in multiple biochemical pathways responsible for cellular function in ensuring health. The complicating factor is that there are probably about 15 different forms of vitamin K. The vitamin K1 form is found in some vegetables and also in some dietary supplements, but is very poorly absorbed. Vitamin K2 is the preferred form, but even with this form there are many variants. Many supplements contain vitamin K2-MK4, which has a short half-life in the body and thus would have to be taken multiple times a day. The preferred form is Vitamin K2-MK7. With a longer chain length this form is can last a couple days in the blood stream. Additionally, Dr. Mercola’s Vitamin K2-MK7 is derived from fermented chickpea, and not from the more common fermented soy. Dr. Mercola’s Vitamin K2-MK7 is the brand MenaQ7.

New research into the cardiovascular benefits of Vitamin K2-MK7 is finding that this form is superior for cardiovascular health. In a recent study1 published in 2015, 244 healthy women were studied for three years using pulse wave velocity and other ultrasonic techniques to study vessel elasticity. Vitamin K2-MK7 was found to inhibit age related stiffening of the artery walls and moreover statistically improved vascular elasticity. Vascular elasticity is a key contributor to overall vascular health.

This supports an earlier prospective study2 involving 16,057 women followed over eight years, where Vitamin K2 was found to decrease the risk of negative coronary events by 9 percent for every 10 mcg of vitamin K2 consumed. The correlation was most pronounced with Vitamin K2-MK7. Other research shows that vitamins K and D work together to protect blood vessels from calcification.3,4

This new standard for nutrition and health is being seen in bone and muscle health as well. Dr. Mercola’s Calcium with Vitamins D and K2 contains 120mcg of K2-MK7, a quantity that works well specifically for bone health. Vitamins D and K2 are essential cofactors, working together with calcium and magnesium for bone support. Experts say that between 120 and 180 mcg of Vitamin K2-MK7 is optimal for carboxylation of osteocalcin.5

Most interesting, is new research into the effects of Vitamin K2-MK7 180 mcg on muscle and nerve health. In a recent preliminary report,6 frequency and severity of muscle cramps were reduced, and nerve health improved. More to come in these exciting areas! Potential relief for nocturnal cramps and cramps during pregnancy?

Since vitamin K is involved in the redox-redux cycles, could there be a sports effect for improved oxygen uptake? Studies are underway to examine this potential benefit.

All in all, exciting times for vitamin K, and for those who follow new research into the broad based effects of vitamins. Could Vitamin K2-MK7 become the next vitamin D3 with ubiquitous positive effects on health? It appears that the two work together. Dr. Mercola also has the optimal combination of 5,000 IU Vitamin D and 180 mcg Vitamin K2-MK7 in one capsule.


1 Knapen MHJ, et al. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2015, 19:113(5).

2 Gast GC et al, Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2009, 19(7):504-10.

3 Kidd PM et al, Altern Med Rev, 2010, 15(3):199-222.

4 Kurnatowska I et al, Pol Arch Med Wewn, 2015 Jul 15.pii: AOP_15_066.

5 Schurgers L, Vitamin K2 Workshop, SSW October 9, 2015.

6 Reid T, Vitamin K2 Workshop, SSW October 9, 2015.

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