
VR 2017

Skin Care’s Natural Defense

by James Gormley | February 28, 2017

While unhealthy skin care lotions and nostrums abound, this panel of industry experts remind us why natural skin care is booming and what it can offer your customers. Participants: • Chris Alexander, General Manager, BodyHealth, Clearwater, FL • Lynda M. Doyle, MS Human Nutrition, Senior Vice President, OmniActive Health Technologies, Morristown, NJ • Corey Friese, […]

5 Common Causes of GI Issues

by Mark Timon | February 28, 2017

By Mark Timon, founder of Vibrant Health, Connecticut 1. Stress Biochemical “stress,” a term coined by Hans Selye, is not just experienced during major events on the order of serious disease, injury or major surgery. As Selye pointed out, “No one can live without experiencing some degree of stress all the time. Crossing a busy […]

Gut Instincts

by Lisa Schofield | February 28, 2017

Modern lifestyle factors act like warriors assaulting our digestive systems, and create a host of issues. Here’s how to help your customers defend their GI woes. It’s great to have gut instincts, but not so great to have gut issues. The former, when due attention is paid, can help one build a safe, rewarding life, […]

Lactobacillus plantarum Bacteria Can Reduce Stress-Related Behavior and Anxiety Symptoms

by Karen Morse | February 28, 2017

Stress and anxiety are two of the most common psychiatric disorders in the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, long-term stress can be lead to serious health problems high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and mental health problems such as depression. A study out of the University of Missouri published in Scientific […]

Stress Solutions

by Karen Morse | February 28, 2017

A vast array of products in the stress and anxiety market give retailers a multitude of options to help ease the stressors of modern life for both children and adults. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 18 percent of the U.S. population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder, yet only about […]

Terminalia chebula

An Evidence-based Ayurvedic Herb for Joint Pain/Discomfort Whenever we see the words “joint pain” or “joint discomfort,” we immediately tend to think about nutraceuticals such as glucosamine, chondroitin, gelatin/collagen, and perhaps some herbal extracts such as boswellia or turmeric—and with good reason. These nutraceuticals all have varying degrees of research for treating arthritis-related joint pain, […]

Foods for Adrenal and Thyroid Health

by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta | February 1, 2017

Protein-rich foods, amino acids, manganese-rich foods, and foods rich in vitamins E and D are best for adrenal and thyroid health, according to a recent article in Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, by Germaine Williams Beckles, a doctor of trichology and a nutrition consultant. Lean beef, poultry, fish, nuts, soy and eggs are sources of protein […]

Natural Answers for Adrenal & Thyroid Health

by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta | February 1, 2017

Adrenal and thyroid glands are responsible for producing hormones that keep the body running optimally. Common symptoms of adrenal and thyroid disorders include: fatigue, weight gain, depression, sensitivity to cold, muscle or joint aches, poor memory, thinning hair and chronic yeast infections. Adrenals are organs that control the body’s hormones and help it endure the […]

Study Shows New Cause of Inflammation in Arteriosclerosis

by Lisa Schofield | February 1, 2017

Medical researchers are constantly seeking to unveil the “hows” and “whys” of disease states, especially in specific instances. Some individuals lack specific antibodies—immunoglobulin M (IgM), typically produced following a blood infection, and which kick off the immune response to fight infection. Researchers from both the CeMM (the Austrian Academy of Sciences Research Center for Molecular […]

A Healthy Beat

by Lisa Schofield | February 1, 2017

Supplements that address a variety of heart health issues are catching on with consumers. December 2016’s surprising losses of entertainment icons George Michael and Carrie Fisher to devastating heart conditions has disheartened millions of fans—many of whom in their 40s and early 50s and who have never had their cardiovascular status tested—may be wondering if […]

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